
Kilometer charge service feedback

    Feedback and complaint form


    Who is your service provider?

    Do you have feedback or a complaint about

    What is your suggestion, question or complaint?


    Your name

    Your email address

    Your phone number

    Anonymous complaints will not be processed.


    Can Viapass contact the service provider concerned based on your feedback?

    agree, you may contact my service providerdo not agree, you may not contact my service provider


    We take your privacy into account. More information about what we do with your data can be found in our privacy declaration.


    You can use this form to provide feedback on service providers of the kilometer charge in the Belgian toll domains, which are supervised and coordinated by Viapass.

    Feedback is understood to mean:

    • any concrete, substantiated comment about the system, its operation or the operation of a service provider of toll devices (On Board Units);
    • you can also file a complaint about a service provider.

    Viapass will use your feedback to improve the general services related to the kilometer charge. Complaints are used by Viapass to address the service provider about its operations. Complaints are therefore, by definition, forwarded to your service provider; you can indicate on the form if you do NOT want this.

    Contact with a service provider

    Viapass is the supervisory authority for toll collection activities in Belgium. If you have a question or a problem with your service provider, please resolve this directly with your service provider using the following contact details:





    TotalEnergies Marketing Services
    TotalEnergies – AS24

    W.A.G. Payment Solutions
    W.A.G. Payment Solutions