

Is the system compatible with other European systems?

The Viapass system is the first EETS-compatible system (European Electronic Toll Service) in Europe. In time, heavy-goods-vehicles will be able to use the Belgian OBU to pay toll in other countries also, while foreign customers will be able to use their OBU on the Belgian roads.

What are the tariffs of Viapass for Heavy Goods Vehicles?

The tariffs are to be found on the dowload section of this website.

Who operates Viapass?

The Viapass system is designed, built, financed, maintained and operated by a recently appointed private partner called Satellic NV.

Currently, there are 6 service providers who distribute the OBUs and bill  the driven kilometers on toll roads: AxxèsSatellicTotalEnergiesTelepassToll4Europe & W.A.G. Payment Solutions.